Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E 好書推薦
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Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E誠意推薦給大家看喔!
.NEW! Human Resource Management is not only essential in large corporations - it's just as important in small businesses and start-ups as well. To better train and inform students who are, or will be, applying HR concepts in a full range of business situations, the authors have enhanced their focus on small businesses in this edition. Each chapter now includes a boxed feature called Small Business Ap博客來plication that explains how chapter concepts can be uniquely applied in a small business environment.
.EXPANDED COVERAGE OF TODAY'S KEY HR TOPICS AND THE LATEST HR UPDATES PREPARE STUDENTS FOR TOMORROW'S SUCCESS - The latest edition of this market-leading text offers more coverage of critical HR issues, such as diversity, outsourcing/illegal immigration, today's labor issues, and employee benefits.
."HIGHLIGHTS IN HRM' EXAMINE TIMELY ORGANIZATIONAL CONCERNS AND PRACTICAL CHALLENGES -Your students gain in-depth looks at how actual organizations handle human resource issues and functions as many new 'Highlights in HRM' include 'HR Planning and Strategy: Questions to Ask Business Managers' (Ch2), 'Best Practices for Employee Testing and Selection' (Ch6), and 'Employee Stock Option Plans' (Ch. 10).
.EMPHASIS ON THE MOST CURRENT PRACTICES AND ISSUES PROVIDE TIMELY UNDERSTANDING OF HR TODAY - Ensure your students are familiar with the most current HR practices and how to apply them with timely examples and special features, including 'how-to' tips within this edition. Learning features and examples throughout focus on real, memorable examples from actual organizations to display how businesses and managers perform HR functions. This focus on real-world illustrations addresses both small businesses and international topics.
.FOCUS ON CONTEMPORARY WORK ENVIRONMENT HIGHLIGHTS KEY HR RELATIONSHIPS AND RESULTS - No other book gives your students a more accurate look at the specific details and challenges in today's work environment. Students see how HR specialists work in partnership with line managers and team directors, and how the most effective managers incorporate HR policy into regular interactions with employees.
.INTEGRATED LEARNING SYSTEM EASES PREPARATION AND STUDY - Icons in the text margins and throughout all print ancillaries link coverage back to key learning objectives, making it easier for both you and your students to focus on the most critical points of each chapter.
.COMPREHENSIVE CASES DELVE INTO CRITICAL HRM CHALLENGES -Eleven comprehensive cases at the end of the text portray some of the most current issues and challenges in HRM. In addition, at least two case studies per chapter delve into current HRM issues in real business settings to encourage students to critically analyze possible solutions.
George W. Bohlander
現職:Arizona State University
Scott A. Snell
現職:University of Virginia
Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E推薦,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E討論,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E比較評比,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E開箱文,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E部落客
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雅虎科技新聞: 把「手持裝置」變成「穿戴裝置」的手機手腕帶
網路人氣超高的Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E是本不錯的商業理財﹐剛出版的時候我就已經在看了
好看的商業理財Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E全書的內容大意
看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿, 大推! 在網路上很夯,人氣蠻不錯。
Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E誠意推薦給大家看喔!
作者: George W. Bohlander、Scott A. Snell
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2012/08/03
- 語言:英文
.NEW! Human Resource Management is not only essential in large corporations - it's just as important in small businesses and start-ups as well. To better train and inform students who are, or will be, applying HR concepts in a full range of business situations, the authors have enhanced their focus on small businesses in this edition. Each chapter now includes a boxed feature called Small Business Ap博客來plication that explains how chapter concepts can be uniquely applied in a small business environment.
.EXPANDED COVERAGE OF TODAY'S KEY HR TOPICS AND THE LATEST HR UPDATES PREPARE STUDENTS FOR TOMORROW'S SUCCESS - The latest edition of this market-leading text offers more coverage of critical HR issues, such as diversity, outsourcing/illegal immigration, today's labor issues, and employee benefits.
."HIGHLIGHTS IN HRM' EXAMINE TIMELY ORGANIZATIONAL CONCERNS AND PRACTICAL CHALLENGES -Your students gain in-depth looks at how actual organizations handle human resource issues and functions as many new 'Highlights in HRM' include 'HR Planning and Strategy: Questions to Ask Business Managers' (Ch2), 'Best Practices for Employee Testing and Selection' (Ch6), and 'Employee Stock Option Plans' (Ch. 10).
.EMPHASIS ON THE MOST CURRENT PRACTICES AND ISSUES PROVIDE TIMELY UNDERSTANDING OF HR TODAY - Ensure your students are familiar with the most current HR practices and how to apply them with timely examples and special features, including 'how-to' tips within this edition. Learning features and examples throughout focus on real, memorable examples from actual organizations to display how businesses and managers perform HR functions. This focus on real-world illustrations addresses both small businesses and international topics.
.FOCUS ON CONTEMPORARY WORK ENVIRONMENT HIGHLIGHTS KEY HR RELATIONSHIPS AND RESULTS - No other book gives your students a more accurate look at the specific details and challenges in today's work environment. Students see how HR specialists work in partnership with line managers and team directors, and how the most effective managers incorporate HR policy into regular interactions with employees.
.INTEGRATED LEARNING SYSTEM EASES PREPARATION AND STUDY - Icons in the text margins and throughout all print ancillaries link coverage back to key learning objectives, making it easier for both you and your students to focus on the most critical points of each chapter.
.COMPREHENSIVE CASES DELVE INTO CRITICAL HRM CHALLENGES -Eleven comprehensive cases at the end of the text portray some of the most current issues and challenges in HRM. In addition, at least two case studies per chapter delve into current HRM issues in real business settings to encourage students to critically analyze possible solutions.
George W. Bohlander
現職:Arizona State University
Scott A. Snell
現職:University of Virginia
考驗 | 蜃樓劫 | ||
無名咒(下) 博客來網路書店 | 無名咒(上) | ||
隔世桃源 | 續夢迷城 |
作者: George W. Bohlander、Scott A. Snell
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2012/08/03
- 語言:英文
Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E
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Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E推薦,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E討論,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E比較評比,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E開箱文,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E部落客
Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E那裡買,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E價格,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E特賣會,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E評比,Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E部落客 推薦
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Principles of Human Resource Management 16-E
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